The human mind has been trained to wait.
To wait on luck
To wait on love
To wait on pleasure
To wait on joy
But waiting implies that time is real and that you aren't already what you want to be!
But hold the phone!
You are INFINITE, TIMELESS, & IMMORTAL, appearing as the dream of finite mortal time.
RISE UP! And dust off those knees from praying to imaginary external gods & saviors and take a good and hard look in the mirror. That face staring back is the grace of the faceless Self appearing as you.
Which means: there is no real separation.
So you can deny your human aspect all day long, but as you deny, you die in your sin of missing the mark.
And the mark you are missing?
Your epic & exquisite Self!
Yes, YOU are the ‘X’ that marks the spot! And the treasure is beating in your chest!
Therefore, don't be a beggar, nor a bench warmer, and wonder why life is sucking.
Honor yourself, rock yourself, and the whole damn view will change.
For your view is your consciousness.
So, go on! Make love to life, and life will make love to you! 💋
The Heart
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