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Satsang Garage Immersion

Group Satsang at My Home

  • Starts May 18
  • 233 US dollars
  • Satsang Garage (located around the corner on Hickory Street)

Service Description

In this two-day immersion, we will consciously turn off beliefs and dogmas that keep you spinning in lower vibrational circles. I will transmit the frequencies of the higher-dimensional consciousness so that you may have a direct experience within your body of what it's like to be Activated and Awakened as The Light of Awareness within form. During Satsang, you may experience deep remembrance, letting go, and massive shifts in consciousness that you will need to integrate on your time off. Satsang is not a bandaid. It is an activation of your light that you will have to adore, love, and maintain just like a gardener until the "maintaining" takes care of itself through the newly embodied consciousness. Our two-day immersion is divided into six sessions, three per day, with 90-minute breaks in between. I will provide coffee, water, and snacks for our meeting experience, but meals and lodging are up to you. If you decide to book, you will be emailed a PDF of lodging and restaurants in the area and nearby airports. Below are a few photos of our meeting space. I still have a few things to do regarding decoration, but this is where we will gather. It is very cozy and very homey! Please note that I live on a small homestead with many animals, including cats, dogs, goats, a pig, and chickens, that you can experience and enjoy. If you have any allergies, please note they are on the premises. If you have any questions regarding the immersion, please do not hesitate to email me at I would be happy to assist you! In love and service, Anna

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

There are no refunds on private or group Satsangs unless the cancelation is on my end. You may reschedule your private Satsang with me anytime by logging into your account. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Thank You!

Contact Details

  • 18665 Elm Street, Preston, MO, USA

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